Why Do I Get So Down & Why Is The Sky Blue?

Questions Set Out Into The Universe

Writes By Tiffany
3 min read4 days ago
Image by StockSnap on Pixabay

If you ask yourself the simplest questions in life, what are the answers that your mind will tell your lips to speak?

Why is the sky blue?

Because the sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere and is scattered by air molecules, which turns the sky blue.

Simple, right?

I wish all of life’s questions could be so simple. I wish life could be easier sometimes, without all the second-guessing, doubting, and ill confidence in oneself.


Imagine a world where we didn’t have to doubt our every step in life. Imagine a world where our minds were not on full blast from our day to day living. Overload!

We didn’t feel the weight of the world on our shoulders everyday when we woke up. We didn’t question every aspect of our life. We just knew…’this is what we’re about’ — or — ’this is how today’s going to go’ with no doubt or anxiety over it at all.

Imagine a life where anxiousness didn’t take over our fogged minds. Our chest didn’t become heavy, thinking of the daily activities that are to be dealt with. Imagine if the norm for…



Writes By Tiffany

I love writing short stories, poetry, even a little dab in Erotica. I write what's in my heart, experiences, loss, lessons. Writing is a deep thinker's escape.