Choosing Between Love & Logic

Writes By Tiffany
2 min read1 day ago

Which Path Do You Choose?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

When you’re choosing between love and logic, which path will you choose?

Emotional Thinking

Your heart is guided by love. It is kind, sympathic, it’s reflects beauty from within. It cries for emotional pain and yearns to console another aching heart. It smiles for one who succeeds in their dreams. But your heart may dwell on love lost, which causes so much hurt and suffering, to where you wish you didn’t have a heart at all, atleast for a moment.

Some may listen and react with their heart alone. They may get stung by doing so. We call these people emotional thinkers. It is a risk one takes for having such a beautiful heart.

Logical Thinking

Your mind can make decisions on logic alone. It may perceive situations in such a realistic form. Some may say it is the safe route to use your mind more than your heart. Some even say its a much smarter way. Some people do this so naturally. We call these people logical thinkers.

Choosing your Thought Process and Patterns

Making life changing decisions, you must choose a path that best suits your needs and takes you to your happiest place. You may think more with your mind, to make a…



Writes By Tiffany

I love writing short stories, poetry, even a little dab in Erotica. I write what's in my heart, experiences, loss, lessons. Writing is a deep thinker's escape.