A Messy Niche
A Bipolar Niche Like Me
Am I a mess? Yeah. But am I okay with it? Yeah, I am! I’m healing from shit, just like the next person. So, it’s all good in my book. And this is my book too, isn’t it?
When I joined Medium I had no idea what I was doing. Today, I still don’t, but I’m enjoying every minute of it and learning new things every day. To me, that’s what it’s about. I’m not making schedules and planning my day around it. I’m not paying bills with it. But what I am doing is healing and letting emotions fly, which I’ve never been able to do before. So I’m winning!
I started Medium in late April 2024. I was active less then half of May and less then half of June. So far in July, I’ve been here all 14 days. Pat on the back for Tiffany!! I’m trying to finish out the month strong! I want to see what I am made of!
Secret’s Out
A little secret to my readers. I do everything on my phone. I do not own a computer. One day I will, but for now it’s just my phone.
I see there are alot of things I cannot do on Medium with only the use of my phone. I cannot tag other peoples stories in a visually good looking way. I cannot start my own publication. I would like to do that, by the way. I’m sure there are alot of other limitations when only using a phone that I haven’t come across yet.
I’m stumped. I enjoy writing erotica. But I don’t love reading alot of erotica. I don’t just enjoy a dirty story. It needs to have meaning behind it. Emotion. Feeling. I’ve come across very few people that write erotica the way I like to read it. So the stumped part is gaining a good audience when it comes to only writing erotica. I can’t only write erotica, nor do I want to.
I love dark poetry. Sometimes so dark that people tell me it’s concerning in the comments. No worries folks. I’m not suicidal or anything. My mind is just traveling a million miles a minute and I’m getting things out. I promise, I’m okay.
I love writing personal stories. I think everyone does that a time or two. We all have a past. We all want a venue to release emotions. Medium is the perfect place for that.
When it comes to the articles I love reading, it’s poetry and personal stories. It’s about life. It’s the articles that are bursting with emotions. Those are the ones that catch my sparkling reading eyes.
So where’s my niche?
So where does my niche lie? Or does it really matter? Is it harder to find followers, maybe? Is it harder to find a close knit community? Possibly. But I have made some close connections that I am very grateful for here on Medium. So bottom line is, maybe you don’t have to have just one niche.
Maybe, just maybe, if it works for you, you can write about a multitude of topics and still be okay.
But if you enjoy writing about one topic, that might be right for you!
Tell me what your thoughts are. I’d be interested to know your opinion.